Although this is a re-blog, I m so happy to put forward my sister’s first post of her first blog.

For some time I was thinking to post something new, I was feeling that my blog is not just about photography. It’s about rediscovering rather reinventing your self. That is the reason I choose a blogging platform. Photography is just a medium to show case your self. It’s the reflection of my journey through my photographs as it progresses.

Ok, enough about me. Idea behind re-blogging her first post is because Last week we had a lengthy phone conversation. I can really go on in-depth of how it went, but then I want you guys to go read her page. primarily because today she is in focus and more than that she write more better than me.

So here we go… Sweet beginnings. by NKB. do read. will meet you very soon. Till then do take care.

Wife, Mother or Just "ME"

And finally here it is! My first blog post! Seems like it has taken forever to materialize. Topics (for the first post) have changed over the months, moods have soured n then sweetened overnight, tempo n determinations have followed the sine wave path, drafts been drawn n then discarded….hmmmfff… So when my oldest and persistent friend, Mayur insisted that I set a deadline to make a food delicacy as a topic for his next post, I took it as an ultimatum for my pilot post too! And I deduced that deadlines work…In every aspect.

On Mayur’s request of baking an never-tried-before, I decided to finally make cinnamon rolls, my personal favorites. They have been on top of my bakery must-try list for a long time. But “when?” was the real question, with an active 20 month old finding time to do anything fancy is next to finding the 25th hour…

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About mayur hulsar

Server(AIX)Administrator by profession, photographer & amateur astronomer by passion.. Fascinated by every aspect of life, and loves to live every moment of it..


  1. NKB

    Thanks Mayur, u are a true inspiration!

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